Great question. As mentioned earlier on this page, your money is hard-earned, and I want you to make an informed decision to purchase this. If you're finding this page, it's likely you've seen some of my LinkedIn content shared there for free. 30,000 people find my content valuable there that I give away for free. I say that, to show I'm not just spouting off unproven strategies or tactics.

Further, I've been in your shoes as an individual contributor for over 20,000 hours. I've gone from being fired from my first role, to successfully ascending to Enterprise Account Executive and am sharing my battle-tested strategies. These are timeless and will follow you throughout your whole sales career, as they have for mine.
Unlike most courses and playbooks, I do NOT offer a money-back guarantee. Not becaues I'm not 100% confident in this system working for you...but because as a Seller I feel I've gone the "extra mile" to be transparent on this page and accurately reflect what's inside of Revenue on Repeat.

For that reason, I feel comfortable with your decision to not purchase if you feel it's not a fit. No harm no foul. I'm not comfortable with people "happy-buying" and then asking for a refund when they don't want to apply the system to their role, which is why I don't offer the refund. Thanks for your understanding.
Just click on any of the buttons you see to be taken to our secure order form. There, you'll enter your payment information and complete the checkout process. After that, you'll receive a few emails, and be directed to access the resource from any device.

As a personal "ask" - I'm asking that you please respect all the hard work I've put into this resource and that you do not share it with collegues or other industry professionals.

Imagine how you'd feel if you spent thousands of dollars to launch your first eBook to help your fellow Sellers - only to have it be stolen from you behind closed Slack channels, texts and emails. As your friend and peer, I am asking to keep any purchased copies to yourself and share this page with your team instead.
Great question. Revenue on Repeat does include some direct messaging scripts, email frameworks, and templates you'll use in your day-to-day. That said, this resource is about building your foundational skills - NOT quick-hitting messages or tactics to create a micro-win.

Revenue on Repeat wasn't named that by accident- if you follow this system and install it into your current role, you'll be primed to create repeatable revenue outcomes thorughout your entire sales career. Mastering the foundational skills is the goal of Revenue on Repeat, unlike most other playbooks out there.
The guide provides the basis for sellers to help think about how they will organize and prioritize their territory, how they will stack rank accounts using data, choose which accounts they want to focus on, research accounts and create messaging to generate pipeline. Then, once in pipeline, how do you convert this pipeline to closure.

As such, Revenue on Repeat isn't limited to just AEs at large companies - these foundational skills are relevant to SDRs, AEs at all sized companies, Founding AEs or Founders leading their sales motion, etc. and can be used for individual contributors, or for team/org-wide training and onboarding.

Start creating Revenue on Repeat TODAY for just $97.

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Important Note From Jacob Below:

NEW: Blueprint for Account Executives, SDR’s and all sellers to create:

Revenue on Repeat

Install the repeatable system ANY sales professional can use to exceed their quota - regardless of experience level, tenure and market conditions.

(a 42% savings, this week only)

What is inside Revenue on Repeat?

Revenue on Repeat is broken up into 4 main sections. Simply follow along in order, or jump to the section you want and start installing the system instantly.

Section 1: Onboarding & Self Enablement

What should you do now that you're an Account Executive?

Unfortunately, just following your company provided onboarding isn't going to cut it.

Inside this first section, we dive deep into all the things you should be doing from Day 1 to pave the way for your future success. 

Even if you are not brand new to a role you can go through this section and find things to implement or revisit and improve upon.


(a 42% savings, this week only)

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Section 2: Your Go to Market (GTM) Rhythm

How will you set up your business and ensure you are executing on the things that will get you to quota?

Section 2 starts out by reverse-engineering your goal by not just looking at your quota, but examining leading indicators your company provides and your comp plan as well to create a clear runway for yourself.

From there, we'll get your mind ready for generating pipeline and hitting your daily metrics.

Add to Cart $97

It's clear from this page, that I have an offer for you.

For the modest price of $97 (or $47 if you're one of the early readers of this page):

I'd like to completely open the door and reveal the secrets that I've used to go from being fired from my first AE role, to generating over $10 million dollars in net-new software sales.

Yes, it's a resource I'm extremely proud of. But if I'm being totally honest with you:

I'm not sure if it's a good fit for you.

In fact, I'd say that the majority of visitors to this website shouldn't invest in this new resource.

Allow me to explain:

Most "playbooks" or "guides" that you see from successful sales leaders or individual contributors are extremely tactical.

They give you in-depth "plays" you can run to boost your conversion rates on cold outreach, improve your discovery skills, run a demo appropriately, or manage your deal cycle properly.

No problems with that.

In fact, I've personally found value from learning some of those "plays" from others.

However, here is what I noticed:

Those "plays" that you capture from either a LinkedIn post or an eBook are only as valuable as your foundational skills.

You can't use them effectively if you don't master the fundamentals.

Said differently - how valuable would a new Ferrari be to someone that doesn't know how to actually drive?

Yes, I know you could technically sell it - it's a metaphor. Stick with me.

If your foundation isn't built upon the proper skills, the tactics don't matter.

So if you're looking for quick-hitting tactics you can use to book a meeting today, Revenue on Repeat is NOT for you.

I wanted say this because:

You work hard for your money. I don't want you using it on something that doesn't align to your expectations.

And, I don't want you to waste any more of your time reading this page.

With that out of the way, here is what you can expect from Revenue on Repeat.

20,000 hours of experience

$10,000,000+ dollars of new revenue.

and countless wins and failures along the way...

...ALL have been distilled down to just 43 pages of material.

Months of editing and refinement have gone into creating Revenue on Repeat.

My personal mission was to create the exact blueprint I had when I started in SaaS sales.

I created it as if I was having a 1:1 conversation with a new AE and wanted to give them an PROVEN system they can easily follow to:

  • Quickly and effectively ramp to productivity;
  • Master your time and focus;
  • Plan your territory and accounts;
  • Engage with prospective customers to generate pipeline;
  • Move through sales cycles and close revenue;

Ultimately, it's the step-by-step plan to create repeatable revenue outcomes throughout your entire sales career.

It's taken me months of planning and editing to get this together for you...

...and if I were to teach it to you directly, we'd rack up a $1,500 - $2,000+ tab of coaching fees.

My hourly rate is $300/hr for context ^

But you can have lifetime access to all of the foundational skills, strategies, and systems that I've used to go from being fired to an Enterprise AE.

All for a one-time payment of just $97   $47.

IMPORTANT: I do not offer a money-back guarantee. Revenue on Repeat is a phenomenal resource, and I’ve described it accurately on this page.

Either decide to get a copy of it, go through it fully, and make the information work for you… or decide not to get it at all. 

I’m okay with either decision.

Simply click the button below to get started.

Complete the information on the secure order form, and I'll send you a copy of Revenue on Repeat within a minute or two.

I hope the systems and strategies inside treat you as well as they treated me.

To your continued success,

-Jacob D. Karp


PS: If you're still on the fence, read on to explore what's inside and how it'll impact you.

To: My Fellow AE’s, SDR’s and sellers of all types:

Add to Cart $47

Section 3: Pipeline Generation

We'll explore the 12 proven indicators I use to "stack-rank" my territory and you'll discover exactly how to do this for your own account book.

From there, we'll examine your highest priority accounts, key executives, and how to strategically prospect into them - and review messaging examples.

The classic activities like cold calls, emails, LinkedIn messages etc. will always need to be in play, but I'll also share 5 creative ways to get in front of your prospects - I only share what's proven to have worked for me.

Section 4: Pipeline Conversion & Closing

So now that you have done the hard work to set a meeting, what do you do next? You prepare as much as possible, and blow your buyers away throughout the rest of the sales cycle.

Inside this section we get more tactical with my Meeting Prep Checklist, multi-threading framework and script, and so much more.

Follow the blueprint of this section and transform your hard-earned meetings into hard-earned commissions.

Table of Contents


Section 1 - Onboarding And Self-Enablement

   Meet With Top Performers
   Listen To Their Recorded Calls
   Sit On Calls Live
   Prep With The Team
   Request The Best PG (Pipeline Generation) Messaging
   Request Pitch Decks And Proposals
   Research Personas And Create Matrix
   Learn The Pitch
   Learn The Pitch From A Technical Perspective
   Learn The Pitch From A Sales Perspective
   Customer Stories
   Take It All And Put It In Your Own Words

Section 2 - Deciding On Your Go-To-Market And Business Operating Rhythm

   Request Leading Indicators And Sales Org Data So You Can Reverse Engineer Quota
   Dissect Comp Plan
   Decide How You Will Run Your Business - What’s Your Personal Go-To-Market (GTM)?
   Pipeline Generation Overview
   Pipeline Generation Mindset

Section 3 - Creating The Foundation For Pipeline Generation

   Build Territory Plan And Stack Rank Accounts
   Select Top Tier Accounts As “Hyper Focus”
   Account Planning And Research
   Build Your PoV And Hypothesis For Accounts
   Identify Top 10-15 People In Each Account And Build A List
   Org Charts
   Create Messaging
   How I Strategically Prospect
   Add Creativity To The Mix With Your Pipeline Generation
   Use The Waterfall Approach
   Follow The 10x10x10 Prospecting Model
   Evaluate Progress Weekly, Monthly And Quarterly

Section 4 - Pipeline Conversion And Closure - Tactics Strategies

   Meeting Prep Doc
   Meeting Pre-Read Emails
   Meeting Follow Up
   “What We Have Heard”
   “3 Why’s”
   Mutual Action Plans
   Closing Deals
   Mutual Success Plan
Section 5 - Conclusion


If you're ready to generate Revenue on Repeat, click the “Add To Cart” Button below.


Complete our 100% secure checkout page where you will go to complete your order.


We will send you a few emails confirming your receipt, and also your download link to get access to the playbook.


Once downloaded, begin at any section you want and start installing the system proven to generate repeatable revenue!



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Frequently Asked Questions

Copyright © 2023 Jacob Karpe Diem Creative, LLC | Contact Support


Section 1 - Onboarding And Self-Enablement

Meet With Top Performers
Listen To Their Recorded Calls
Sit On Calls Live
Prep With The Team
Request The Best PG (Pipeline Generation) Messaging
Request Pitch Decks And Proposals
Research Personas And Create Matrix
Learn The Pitch
Learn The Pitch From A Technical Perspective
Learn The Pitch From A Sales Perspective
Customer Stories
Take It All And Put It In Your Own Words

Section 2 - Deciding On Your Go-To-Market And Business Operating Rhythm

Request Leading Indicators And Sales Org Data So You Can Reverse Engineer Quota
Dissect Comp Plan
Decide How You Will Run Your Business - What’s Your Personal Go-To-Market (GTM)?
Pipeline Generation Overview
Pipeline Generation Mindset

Section 3 - Creating The Foundation For Pipeline Generation

Build Territory Plan And Stack Rank Accounts
Select Top Tier Accounts As “Hyper Focus”
Account Planning And Research
Build Your PoV And Hypothesis For Accounts
Identify Top 10-15 People In Each Account And Build A List
Org Charts
Create Messaging
How I Strategically Prospect
Add Creativity To The Mix With Your Pipeline Generation
Use The Waterfall Approach
Follow The 10x10x10 Prospecting Model
Evaluate Progress Weekly, Monthly And Quarterly

Section 4 - Pipeline Conversion And Closure - Tactics Strategies

Meeting Prep Doc
Meeting Pre-Read Emails
Meeting Follow Up
“What We Have Heard”
“3 Why’s”
Mutual Action Plans
Closing Deals
Mutual Success Plan
Section 5 - Conclusion

Thank you for following along and for your support. 

If you’re here, it’s obvious that I have an offer for you.

I have decided to completely open the door and reveal the secrets that I've used to go from being fired from my first AE role, to generating over $10 million dollars in net-new software sales.

All for the modest price of $97.

This is a resource I'm extremely proud of and is the culmination of 10 years in sales, 2+ years of openly sharing on LinkedIn and months of writing. 

Before you purchase, I want to help you be sure that this guide is right for you (and it’s okay if you decide it isn’t…)

Here is what I mean by "right for you" :

Most "playbooks" or "guides" that you see from successful sales leaders or individual contributors are extremely tactical.

They give you in-depth "plays" you can run to boost your conversion rates on cold outreach, improve your discovery skills, run a demo appropriately, or manage your deal cycle properly.

No problems with that, those things are helpful in their own way. 

In fact, I've personally found value from learning some of those "plays" from others.

However, here is what I noticed:

Those "plays" that you capture from either a LinkedIn post or an eBook are only as valuable as your foundational skills.

They only go so far if you don't understand and master the fundamentals.

If your foundation isn't built upon the proper skills, the tactics don't matter.

So if you're looking for quick-hitting tactics you can use to book a meeting today, Revenue on Repeat is NOT for you.

I wanted say this because:

You work hard for your money. I don't want you using it on something that doesn't align to your expectations.

And, I don't want you to waste any more of your time reading this page.

With that out of the way, here is what you can expect from Revenue on Repeat.

20,000 hours of experience

$10,000,000+ dollars of new revenue.

and countless wins and failures along the way...

...ALL have been distilled down to just 43 pages of material.

Months of editing and refinement have gone into creating Revenue on Repeat.

My personal mission was to create the exact blueprint I had when I started in SaaS sales.

I created it as if I was having a 1:1 conversation with a new AE and wanted to give them an PROVEN system they can easily follow to:

  • Quickly and effectively ramp to productivity;
  • Master your time and focus;
  • Plan your territory and accounts;
  • Engage with prospective customers to generate pipeline;
  • Move through sales cycles and close revenue;

Ultimately, it's the step-by-step plan to create repeatable revenue outcomes throughout your entire sales career.

It's taken me months of planning and editing to get this together for you...

...and if I were to teach it to you directly, we'd rack up a $1,500 - $2,000+ tab of coaching fees.

(My hourly rate is $300/hr for context)

But you can have lifetime access to all of the foundational skills, strategies, and systems that I've used to go from being fired to an Enterprise AE.

All for a one-time payment of just $97.

IMPORTANT: I do not offer a money-back guarantee. Revenue on Repeat is a phenomenal resource, and I’ve described it accurately on this page.

Either decide to get a copy of it, go through it fully, and make the information work for you… or decide not to get it at all

Simply click the button below to get started.

Complete the information on the secure order form, and I'll send you a copy of Revenue on Repeat within a minute or two.

I hope the systems and strategies inside treat you as well as they treated me.

To your continued success,

-Jacob D. Karp


PS: If you're still on the fence, read on to explore what's inside and how it'll impact you.

To: My Fellow AE’s, SDR’s and sellers of all types:

Add to Cart $97

Verified by Sellers at these fine companies:

-Frankie Vignone

Strategic Account Executive

"This is the guide I wish I had when I started in sales. 

Using this will give you a 5-10 year jump in your career. 

The best part about the guide is that it helps you do less, but better, because it helps you focus on the top priorities vs. adding more to your plate."

-Andy Guild

Enterprise Account Executive

"Jacob’s approach to selling is thoughtful, authentic and a 180 from traditional, rigid sales processes.

I’ve personally seen Jacob’s approach yield repeated, consistent success and have become a better seller after adopting it myself.  

Revenue on Repeat is a must have for any seller who wants to take their game to the next level."

-Jaimie Stewart

Strategic Account Executive

"For anyone new in a sales role, or if you’ve been in sales for years and need a revamp on your processes and approach to success, this is a great guide to get you started!

Jacob does a great job breaking down everything in a way that's both easy to understand and easy to execute!

This guide will get you on your way to success."

-Chris Re

Director Sales Experience Enablement

"This is the guide I wish I had when I started in sales. 

"Revenue on Repeat distills years of learned lessons into a simple to follow process.

Karp’s expert grasp on enterprise selling will help any AE looking to scale up their efforts and excel at their current role or their next, whether in enterprise today or headed that way eventually."